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    select * from isc_user where namecode like '%qy.gd.csg.cn%'
    select * from tmp_yx_user_0401
    isc_user t.NAMECODE
    hr_user_qy0331_ok LOGIN_NAME is not null /*5334*/

    select * from tmp_yx_user_0401_qy_login_name;
    select * from hr_user_qy0331_ok;

    CREATE TABLE tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 as (
    select y.*,h.员工id,h.ou AS HROU,h.员工所属部门名称,h.从身份证号码截取出生日期,h.deptid,h.login_name AS lOGINENAME,h.Isc_4aid,H.USER_ID from tmp_yx_user_0401_qy_login_name y
    join  hr_user_qy0331_ok h
    on y.login_name = h.login_name or y.姓名 = h.中文全名)

    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where 用户状态 = 1 and loginename in (
    select q.loginename from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 q group by q.loginename having count(1)>1 )

    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set mark = '用户ID重复'
    /*select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 */
     where 用户ID in (select 用户ID  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by 用户ID having count(用户ID) > 1)
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set mark = 'delete'
    /*select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 */
     where 用户ID in (select 用户ID  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by 用户ID having count(用户ID) > 1)
     and 用户状态 ='0' and rowid not in
     (select min(rowid) from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by 用户ID having count(用户ID) > 1)
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set loginename = '' where 姓名 in (
     select 姓名 from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403
     where 用户ID in (select 用户ID  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by 用户ID having count(用户ID) > 1))
     select 用户ID,姓名,用户状态,MARK from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where loginename is null for update
     delete tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark = 'delete'
      select 用户ID,姓名,用户状态,MARK from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403
     where 用户ID in (select 用户ID  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by 用户ID having count(用户ID) > 1)
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set loginename = fn_getpy(姓名)||'@'||'qy.gd.csg.cn'

    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set mark = 'same'
    /*select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 */
     where loginename in (select loginename  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by loginename having count(loginename) > 1)
     and rowid not in
     (select min(rowid) from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by loginename having count(loginename) > 1)
    /*问题数据:状态为0或用户名重复数据 1087*/
    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark is null and 用户状态 = '0' and
    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark is not null and 用户状态 = '1'
    select count(*) from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where isc4aid is null;
    select count(*) from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where isc_4aid is null;

    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where 用户ID not in (
     select 用户id from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where isc_4aID in (
     select isc_4aid from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by isc_4aid having count(isc_4aid) > 1))
    /* 处理mark=1的重复登录名*/
    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark = '1' for update;
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 l set l.loginename = substr(l.loginename,1,instr(l.loginename, '@') - 1) ||
                              to_char(to_date(从身份证号码截取出生日期, 'yyyy/mm/dd'), 'mmdd') ||
                              substr(l.loginename, instr(l.loginename, '@'))
                              where l.mark = '1'
    /*再次更新login_name重复mark 为 2*/
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 set mark = '2'
    /*select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 */
     where loginename in (select loginename  from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by loginename having count(loginename) > 1)
     and rowid not in
     (select min(rowid) from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 group by loginename having count(loginename) > 1)

     /* 处理mark=0001的重复登录名*/
    select * from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark = '2' ;
    update tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 t
    set t.loginename = fn_getpy(姓名)||'0001'||'@'||'qy.gd.csg.cn'
    where mark = '2'

    select fn_getpy(姓名)||'0001'||'@'||'qy.gd.csg.cn' from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where mark = '2' ;

    select 用户ID,姓名,基准组织,用户状态,loginename,mark,从身份证号码截取出生日期 from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403
    where 用户状态 = '1' and 姓名 in (
    select 姓名 from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where 姓名 in (
    select 姓名 from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 where loginename in
    (select o.loginename from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 o group by o.loginename having count(1) >1)))

    select 用户ID,姓名,基准组织,loginename,mark from tmp_yx_user_qy_0403 w where w.mark is null

    来自:PC 广东省
    上一篇: connect by prior 递归算法 - 查找根ID


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